A blog of my responses and reflections on web 2.0 applications and how they relate to my work in public libraries. Should be fun.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Short staffed; short healthed

I have a cold and feel the need to gripe; lucky you!

On a friendly comparrison of the amounts of sick leave each staff at our branch had, I came up on top with 128 days. That's a third of a year I could take off if I found myself that unable to work. The others protested that I never take days off, that I'd rather slump semi-conscious in a corner before giving up said corner for my cozy bed. No true, I love my bed. But I don't often fall sick and I must admit I start feeling guilty knowing that the rest of the staff have to do my shifts as well as their own if I'm off for more than a few days.

So, here I am at work, on a day I could easily be sitting back and watching the cricket and this branch of 7 staff is running on 3. One staff member on annual leave,two on sick leaves, one at training and me wishing that I could actually have one of those days off.

And people wonder why I don't take days?!


pls@slnsw said...

Dear Miztres

Hope you are feeling better soon! And just think, you could have taken to your bed, laptop on hand, and still KEPT on working/learning with this program, such are the wonders of the web - only kidding :-)


Crystal said...

Oh, stop worrying about other people so much! Have a day off! Go shopping, walk the dogs, play on your Mac, listen to Finn-type stuff.


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