A blog of my responses and reflections on web 2.0 applications and how they relate to my work in public libraries. Should be fun.

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Week 5 : Wikis

I see salvation! Salvation from hard copy procedures that are out of date an unchangeable. I see salvation from the difficulties of sharing children programs and training packages quickly and easily. I see the salvation to easy updating and disseminating of vital information.

And salvation's name is Wiki. Hallelujah! I have seen the light!

Now here is something I can get behind. For all the reasons above I would love work to use wiki's on our Intranet. Imagine a procedure issue where the solution was only one search away instead of wading though two folders of out of date hardcopies. Imagine using others work in programming or training, pulling out what you need and creating a whole new work simply and without causing injury to the original creator. What's more sharing your ideas instantly! Imagine Premier's Reading lists in one location that everyone can help update.

What's more we can get customer involved! I personally loved the open catalogue where customers were asked for recomendations. SO COOL! I know, instead of scribbling obscene notes in the jacket of the book, they'll add them to the record, but that's what nanny programs are for and if Wikipedia can do it, why couldn't we?

Where do I sign up for the Church of Wiki.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Totally agree with you about the usefulness of wikis for the things you mentioned like procedures etc, and just general knowledge sharing.

So...why am I here?