A blog of my responses and reflections on web 2.0 applications and how they relate to my work in public libraries. Should be fun.

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Friday, February 29, 2008

It's flickr

My one and only picture so far in flickr, I'll see if I can find a pool for it to play in for a while

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Forget 'The Librarians' Unshelved is the real thing

Great Photo Week Two flickr

I've spent faaar too much time trawling through the wonderful images in flickr this week. This was only suppose to take 15 minutes a day, right?

Anyway, after what seems like hours of awestruck bliss here is my shot. This is an image from inside the Old Library of the Muntmuseum in Utrecht (The Netherlands).

You should be able to click on the photo too look at other images by this artist.

After looking for so long I must say I was getting a little desperate. Why I had to have a perfect photos is beyond me but many things, though beautiful, didn't appeal.

I think this one caught my attention because it is what many people consider a library to be. Beautiful, rich, silent and empty. Nothing like real library life at all!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Short staffed; short healthed

I have a cold and feel the need to gripe; lucky you!

On a friendly comparrison of the amounts of sick leave each staff at our branch had, I came up on top with 128 days. That's a third of a year I could take off if I found myself that unable to work. The others protested that I never take days off, that I'd rather slump semi-conscious in a corner before giving up said corner for my cozy bed. No true, I love my bed. But I don't often fall sick and I must admit I start feeling guilty knowing that the rest of the staff have to do my shifts as well as their own if I'm off for more than a few days.

So, here I am at work, on a day I could easily be sitting back and watching the cricket and this branch of 7 staff is running on 3. One staff member on annual leave,two on sick leaves, one at training and me wishing that I could actually have one of those days off.

And people wonder why I don't take days?!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Bouncin' through Bankstown

So why Bankstown? It's the City I work in South West Sydney and like my blogs is diverse, often contradictory and often unintelligible. Take that as you will. Bankstown City council has given me 15 years of employment and on the whole good memories so I considered it my duty to spread the love. Besides, this way I can blog in work time and call it 'Personal Development'.

In the next few weeks I'll be blogging about my experiences in a training package called libraries learning 2.0. Fasinating as that may be for most blog surfers, if you looking for something that won't cure insomnia please check out my actual blog on word press.

See ya 'round.

So...why am I here?